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Reviews of Map In Hand [12k1040]
Back to ReleaseDikke Gitarrentupfer werden von elektronischen klangen aufgefangen und alles zu einem unscharf umrissenen Gemälde angeordnet.
Mehr noch als die sanft gedünten Drones suggerieren die langsamen, fast trägen Gitarrennoten Desertfeeling.
Irgendowo zwischen Indierock, Drone und Elektroakustik werkelt das australische Trio Seaworthy.
Estos ultimos son, además, los primeros en debutar en formato largo.
La musica degli australiani Seaworthy somiglia – proprio come da ragione sociale – a quelle piccole imbarcazioni in apparenza fragili, gusci di noce cui non daresti una chance di tenere il mare, eppure talmente solide da permettere traversate ed imprese che mai ti aspetteresti.
Ah, Australien: Land der Kängurus und der Drones.
Ahlors meme que la musique électronique ne cesse d’évoluer, des labels comme 12k s’attachent à en documenter la progression.
La beauté languissante d’un désert sans nom, sans âge, dont l’atmosphère marque profondément les âmes, en attendant un hypothétique et improbable retour de la pluie.
Though only running at just near 40 minutes, it’s a just right sweet sound treat, which played once will invite more and more replays, to languish once more in its warming and calming sound cover.
Seaworthy jette un magnifique pont entre post-rock et minimalisme, que d’autres groupes devraient s’empresser d’emprunter tellement les possibilités créatives semblent fécondes.
Un incanto.
The trio proceed to capture the nuances of static, drifting masses in slow-motion.
Rich, open, lush and natural.
They seem to have everything in common with 12k, yet everything about them makes them distinctive from everything the label has put out.
Here, the contrasts occur between rather than within the pieces, creating a methodical sense of alternating between search and rest, compression and distention all the while remaining thoroughly reflective.
A nice cross-over from the Windy & Carl like post rock into the areas of microsound and ambient glitch.