A true beauty.
Reviews of Twenty Ten [12k1066]
Back to ReleaseMagical stuff that engages that’s intellectually stimulating but also possessed of real sonority and soul.
The music is as accidental as it is deliberate; as automatic as it is thought out; as random as it is methodical.
A challenging, but rewarding listen.
Not surprisingly, time-suspending is the word that often springs to mind while one is listening to—inhabiting might be more accurate— the immersive world presented by Kirschner’s Twenty Ten.
Kunstmusik für die tiefste Nacht.
Kirschner hat daraus sein eigenes Idiom entwickelt, dass so stark ist, dass man beim Hören unmerklich in einen Sog hineingezogen wird, der fast psychedelisch erscheint.
The most amazing thing is that the man might still get away with it perfectly.
Simply put breathtaking & unmissble stuff.
L’attivià del compositore Kenneth Kirschner è dedita a un ambient minimale, che spinge una volta di più gli standard imposti dal Brian Eno di Music For Airports.
Kirschner isn’t looking for the truth, he is gauging its validity as a concept and it is precisely this courteous disobedience to the gods of reason that make his work stand out.
Il lui reste cette capacité à construitre des sculptures avec une précision d’un joailler du meilleur cru.
Y es que en la música de Kirschner el espacio es el elemento fundamental.
Dit drieluik, waarop Kirschner wederom niet de breedte maar de diepte opzoekt, toch te beluisteren, zal beslist voelen als een beloning.
His love of detail, sumptuous (in their own miniaturist way) sounds, and ear for microtonal events marks out Kirschner as a composer who is quite some way from the traditions of “old-School” New York minimalism.
Musica neo classica, a tratti minimalista e a tratti concreta, per molti sicuramente liturgica.