Ed è come lo svolgersi di un’enigmatica pellicola audio il cui flettersi, contrarsi e sfarfallare rivela, quasi d’incanto, un seducente carattere di ragionata casualità.
Reviews of For Myria [12k1043]
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Without any doubt this music is deeply influenced by minimalism but weren’t minimalists influenced by african and oriental (gamelan) music?
With this foundation established, Cave focuses all the more on developing a strong polychromatic suite out of his small palette of sounds, collaging together small melodic scraps
Cave’s compositional muscle lies in the fact that he chooses to do a lot with very little.
Y con semejantes mimbres, le queda un For Myria delicado y sutil, de trazo neoclasico y vocacion minimalista, en cuyo interior resulta un gustazo perderse.
Pred par lety se Jodi Cave vydal do sveta s klarinetem v ruce a touhou venovat se pine umeni.
Opening in a gorgeously processed title track filled with wavering, glowing tones and sparkly crackle Sheffield’s Jodi Cave makes a stunning debut.
if For Myria’s appeal is to be truly uncovered, it demands the listener to surrender his or her absolute attention.
For Myria non è un album facile, e di certo non per tutti; ma sarà apprezzato da chi è alla ricerca di tappeti sonori fragili e delicati.
Fanatical obsession with the qualities of sound.
Suivant les canons de l’écurie 12k, Cave travaille à partir d’une palette réduite, faite de collage entre instruments acoustiques (clarinette, guitare, harmonium), field recordings et manipulations électroniques, s’inscrivant dans une démarche minimaliste, conceptuelle et abstraite.
Con l’ennesima uscita di glitch minimale dai toni dolciastri e sognanti, la 12k compie un mezzo errore pubblicando un album a tratti scontato.
There is much promise scattered in this short offering (notably the first and last tracks), and his next release will be anticipated.
Hier geht es um die präzise Wahrnehmung. Soundartist Jodi Cave verwendet nur wenige Sounds, um intime Collagen zu erzeugen. Harmonium, Klarinette, Gitarre, O-Ton_aufnahmen, Metall und Steine sind die Klangquellen.
Cave plays some mighty fine music.
Opening in a gorgeously processed title track filled with wavering, glowing tones and sparkly crackle Sheffield’s Jodi Cave makes a stunning debut.
What makes it stand out are three distinct qualities. Firstly, its purity and minimalism with regards to instrumentation. Secondly, its effective and loveable combination of organic and processed material. And finally, the way in which Cave seagues his scenes into a vivid and deep aural walk along the bank of a furtile riverscape.
The record flows with a certain grace, at times letting the listeners focus on fixed, if often pretty frail textures made of adjacent harmonics and wavering resonances.
Once again, we are treated to a fine debut from a promising artist, who has produced a mature, and engaging slice of near-minimalism that for the most part connects at the right level, and further secures 12k as one of the most prominent and ground breaking minimalist labels in the world at this time.
It suggests a man engrossed in some hobby of a late afternoon as the light fades, whittling, rattling, sharpening and polishing various cherished bits and bobs on a workshop in a shed.
Ah, schon wieder so ein feinstoffliches Wesen.
Trots att Cave har begränsat ljudkällorna till två-tre i varje låt är det detaljrikt. Däremot inte fragmentariskt. Med den avskalade instrumenteringen får också alla ljuden en chans att visa upp sig i den transparenta ljudbilden.