Thomas Bednarczyk’s latest release on the always attractive looking 12k is a voyage into fragile ambience and shimmering drones.
Reviews of Let’s Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow [12k1055]
Back to ReleaseEt là est le grand paradoxe de ce Let’s Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow : faire oublier la froideur et l’obscurité de son |uvre par le contre-jour et les appuis calorifiques de ses contours.
…Ein Verständis von Klang,
Jeune musicien polonais dont les deux première oeuvres ont trouvé l’écrin subtil qu’elles méritent en le label Room40 de Lawrence English, Tomasz Bednarczyk traverse le pacifique pour son troisième effort, hébergé par la maison new-yorkaise 12k.
Let’s Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow takes a bright, major key – if you can really give the songs a key – outlook on the ambient musical ideal and explores the possibilities of sound within a very limited aural plane.
Notable moments are Adrian Klumpes’ wonderful piano collaboration which is really quite sumptuous – jazzy, but without being jazz, if you know what I mean.
Jeune musicien polonais dont les deux première oeuvres ont trouvé l’écrin subtil qu’elles méritent en le label Room40 de Lawrence English, Tomasz Bednarczyk traverse le pacifique pour son troisième effort, hébergé par la maison new-yorkaise 12k.
there’s no doubt that this Polish artist is a figure that must be kept under close watch.
Auf Deuprees Label gibt es einmal mehr herrlich konzentriert-entspannende Miniaturen, die bei aller Digitaltransformation jene für das Label so bezeichnende Wärme entstehen lässt, die immer noch jedes Konzept mit Sinnlichkeit transzendiert.
In place of unrelated pieces, Bednarczyk sequences the ten tracks so that the album moves from a comparative zone characterized by lightness to one darkened by murkier ambiance.
The feeling that I already had with Painting Sky Together is the same feeling I have here. This is surely great music, very moody, very textured, crisp and clear from the world of microsound, but but but, it sounds so similar to the previous releases,.
Like many minimalist greats before him, Poland’s Tomasz Bednarczyk simply takes a bare sound from a piano or an electric guitar and loops it until every grain of emotion expires with each breath.
Indelible images: Draping the intangible fabric of music on a threedimensional grid.
In Wroclaw ließ er Gitarren und Klaviertöne langwellig dahin schweben.
Scoperto e lanciato da Lawrence English, per la cui Room40 sono usciti i primi due dischi Summer Feelings e Painting Sky Together, il ventitreenne Tomasz Bednarczyk ha bruciato le tappe, approdando per l’album numero tre alla 12k.
Let’s Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow has proven itself to be an uncommonly well-rounded album, filled with ebullient micro-melodies and soulful textural exchanges
Let’s Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow is structured like a traditional LP, where the first five tracks are the side of the record emphasize shimmering, high frequency passages of treated guitar and piano before transitioning to the darker, murkier second side.
Un espace hors du temps, auquel on se plait a revenir sans cesse.
De manera literal, es decir: la primera parte del disco es luminosa y atrevida, juega con frecuencias saturadas y notas mayores, persigue un clímax de manera continua pero sin dejar que la tensión estalle en ningún momento.
De manera literal, es decir: la primera parte del disco es luminosa y atrevida, juega con frecuencias saturadas y notas mayores, persigue un clímax de manera continua pero sin dejar que la tensión estalle en ningún momento.
Terza trattazione in meno di due anni per Tomasz Bednarczyk:due uscite con la Room40,e ora il debutto con Let‘s Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow per la 12k a svelare ancora una volta un’inclinazione naturale all‘ambient più sommesso.