René Margraff ist in Berlin Mitbetreiber des Netlabels Starving But Happy! und schreibt für De:Bug und Skug. Als Pillowdiver verabreicht er Sleeping Pills.
Reviews of Sleeping Pills [12k1054]
Back to ReleasePieces like “Eleven” coarse with warm, noisy timbres and the stately iridescence of steel strings that glimmer outwards from the heart of the mix.
E un bene che taluni episodi posseggano almeno il guizzo di un’attonita anchorche spiegazzata, malinconia.
It’s an alarmingly pleasant sensation, a lingering, Cocteau Twins texture, slow like the bombs at the end of Apocalypse Now (1979) and a somewhat idyllic realization of what such a dangerous ingestion would provoke.
Unbeschreiblich schön und ein Statement der lässigen Intensität.
Evoquant largement les travaux les plus sereins d’un Robin Guthrie, Gransofa + Nighingale et Sleeping Pills song de petites merveilles de mélancholie légere, des rayons de soleil se réverbérant sur l’eau, un vent doux d’été portant le parfum du chevrefeuille.
Making liberal use of gentle melody over washes of accumulated tones and drifting drones, this debut is beautiful in both seductive and sedative ways.
On l’a récemment souligné lors de sa participation au triple CD-R 3″ sur Mobeer sous l’alias Le Mépris, René Margraff apprécie les pseudonymes: aprčs plusieurs années passées sous celui de cKid, il a délaissé l’electronica de celui-ci pour se tourner ŕ présent vers le post-rock alangui de Pillowdiver.
A la felicidad por narcolepsia, si.
Musique ambient et belles guitares ont toujours été de ces couples immortels, il suffit pour s’en convaincre de jeter un oeil à la pléiade d’artistes officiant dans ce presque-genre, retrouvant en tête les ténors que peuvent être Fennesz ou Giuseppe Ielas
Nicht viel, aber in Pillowdivers Kosmos erschaffen sie sehr Schönes.
It has a very honest & organic feel to it’s unfold & drift, so you can really imagine most of the time a guitarist with a simply set-up playing his heart out in the connor of your listening space.
Cela faisait un petit moment que nous n’avons pas exploré l’interaction guitare/musique électronique ou guitare et musique d’expression contemporaine.
Quanto serve a costruire crescendo entusiasmanti come quello di “Two”. Tra Roy Mongo-mery e gli Hammock.
Dreams sometimes feael like a cosmic conspiration and throughout nine songs, Pillowdiver seems to explore the endless possibilities this might entail. Heartfelt and complete, his album works in its wholeness and manages to keep your eyes and mind open until the last note has been played.
Excellent composition and very good album in general. 100% of today 12k’s spirit.
German René Margraff drives the Pillowdiver project, which takes its origins from economical technical means such as a 4-track cassette (again!) and various stompboxes, the whole fed by the jangling soul of a Fender Jazzmaster, with a modicum of synthesizer and field recordings added for complement.
It is an aesthetic just as much inspired by the purity of allowing a single guitar chord to dreamily fade away before striking a new one as by the beauty of those precious bars of silence opening up between them.
A little bit Ry Cooder-meets-Tim Hecker, if you will.
It’s quite nice altogether as a sort of later at night relaxing music.