The overall effect is really fascinating, the three movements of the disc are a continuous and slow evolution of textures, sounds and noises.
Reviews of Shape Memory [12k1088]
Back to ReleaseThe result is so beautiful. Drone, melodious, discordant with some electroacoustic elements.
The result is obviously beautiful.
Intriguing and enveloping
The remarkable volatility of “Shape Memory” causes space-time to freeze, and we along with it.
Plus encore, quand les cymbales et guitares électriques se font davantage présentes (principalement sur Ferns, le morceau d’ouverture), l’ensemble prend des contours plus riches et plus ouvragés, à la lisière (pour filer la métaphore sylvestre) d’une forme de post-rock alangui.
The music keeps on flowing, going steady, two friends passing the time, sharing music.
It’s richly textured, always giving you some detail to hear without ever causing surprise.
The album feels as airy as pollen.
Wonderfully glittering stardust of percussion, cymbals and sound.