Play the song below on a frigid Autumn night (or morning) to serve as a warm, aural blanket of sound.
Reviews of Between You And The Shapes You Take [12k1078]
Back to ReleaseYou do not have to be alone, you are not alone, just listen.
A shade darker in hue, exchanging gleeful surprise for richer harmonies and more cohesion.
The implication of the notes allows that which is behind them to emerge in all their splendor, beautifully arranged, naturally forming a landscape…
They just like to make the journey seem as spontaneous and natural as possible.
Un nuovo tassello di quella che è forse l’espressione più significativa dell’ambient music contemporanea.
Listening that keeps your ears alert even as it provides a sense of relaxation.
It’s going to make you lapse into lovely daydreaming.
Ich twórczość jest realnym spotkaniem pokazującym fenomen ulotności muzyki.
Doğaçlama vurgusunun yüksek olduğu parçalarda melankolik bir hava hâkim.
Dieses ziellose wie energische Mäandern zeugt von immenser Musikalität und verleiht ihrem zweiten Album Between You And The Shapes You Take (12K) eine federleichte harmonische Textur.
assurément vecteur d’un disque convaincant et qui touche probablement à son plus beau dans son titre caudal (Another End)…
A dreamy netherworld lit by errant sparks from unearthed appliances.
Ideale colonna sonora per una viaggio al termine della notte…
Von Bergs Lippen strömen sanfte Schwingungen, von der Gitarre fragiler Klingklang.
Toni crepuscolari e intimisti dal fascino impalpabile e melanconico
Il disco non perde un momento la sua strabiliante intensità, rimanendo sospeso tra liquidità elettroniche e calore acustico, ravvivato da melodie che lentamente si distendono tra i silenzi incantevoli creati da Stephen e Molly.
Ce disque en est alors la parfaite illustration et dont la beauté profonde paraît indiscutable.