An album of rare beauty.
Reviews of Not A Leaf Remains As It Was [12k1069]
Back to ReleaseThe voice brings to mind Sigur Ros frontman Jonsi Birgisson’s approach to mashing language and phonetics to his own gain.
Chanting like, of course poetically intended, buddhist like.
Its avoidance of electronic instrumentation makes for a more complex, nuanced experience.
Listen carefully.
Not A Leaf Remains As It Was is about as fragile and time-transcending a recording as 12k has released.
En définitive, se constitue alors un album plein et pertinent.
La musique expérimentale quand elle sait se montrer accessible et dépouillée, peut renfermer d’iconoclastes trouvailles qui mènent droit au chemin de la volupté.
Die vier getragenen Kompositionen wirken andächtig und verströmen etwas maritimen Charme.
i quattro frammenti formano un flusso armonico.
Il en résulte un album incroyablement fragile, presque miraculeux, où chaque mouvement, si infime soit-il prend de l’importance.
Built from melodica and pump organ, the gossamer threads of sustained tones recalls aspects of labelmates Seaworthy.
Et c’est peut-être là la magie de cette collaboration : l’équilibre entre les allers et venues, ce silence chahuté d’une voix, d’une suite de notes, de résonnances fuyantes.
Quasi delle ninnananne spettrali in cui le voci sussurrate dei due Steve, tra suoni e rumori rallentati oltre misura, sottolineano la drammaticità dei racconti.
Despite being so far removed from the original source material by dint of the elaborate near-conceptual cut-up methods used, the record still resonates with a deep spiritual feeling.
Unglaublich fragil-diffizilen Klangereignissen
Die beiden Steves umkreisen hier mit dröhnminimalistischem Einsatz von Stimmen, Instrumenten und kleinen Objekten die Vergänglichkeit.