After is the product of the meeting of Kim Cascone, Richard Chartier, and Taylor Deupree at Montreal’s Micro_Mutek 2 on April 6th, 2001. Scheduled to perform solo sets they decided to do an unexpected improvisational live laptop set at the end of the evening which ended up being one of the highlights of the evening.

Each artist utilized his own software and contributed his own sound to the 20+ minute performance. Cascone’s custom Max/MSP patch sputtered and spewed random chunks of soundfiles while he processed the output in real time through various effects. Chartier ended up being the unlikely designated rhythm unit for the night; supplying pulses, basses and precision-craftted clicks. Deupree washed over the whole mix with gentle drones and blankets of sine wave layers. The result was a surprisingly diverse, layered, and engaging recording.

With a desire to release and catalog the evening’s production, Cascone, Chartier, and Deupree decided that to extend the time of the project to make a full length cd that each of them would create a new work using the original live set as source material for their piece. Cascone ushered in a new era of dense DSP with the “New World Rising (New Density Mix),” a reworking of key elements from the end of the performance treated with his ever-evolving Max creations. Chartier chose the more subtle elements of the night and created “Afterimage.” Deep, filtered tones create warm washes of bass that are punctuated by fragments of the original soundfiles that he used during the live set, more audible than his more recent compositions. Deupree’s “4+2_Stil Live” reconstruction uses a mix of 4 loops layered by an additional 2 passages which he then works into new loops using custom programmed software algorithms. These new loops are then structured to form a highly repetitive and evolving piece of churning, hypnotic tones . . . a preview and exercise into methods for his upcoming cd Stil.


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Taylor Deupree

Technology and imperfection. The raw and the processed. Curator and curated. Solo explorer and gregarious collaborator. The life and work of Taylor Deupree are less a study in contradictions than a portrait of the multidisciplinary artist in a still-young century. Deupree is an accomplished sound artist whose recordings, rich with abstract atmospherics, have appeared on numerous record labels, and well as in site-specific installations at such institutions as the ICC (Tokyo, Japan) and the Yamaguchi…

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Kim Cascone

Kim Cascone has been involved with electronic music for more than 20 years since his studies at Berklee College of Music and at the New School (with Dana McCurdy) during the 1970s. In the 1980s Cascone worked with David Lynch as Assistant Music Editor on both Twin Peaks and Wild at Heart. He left the film industry in 1991 to concentrate on Silent Records, a label that he founded in 1986, transforming it into the…

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Richard Chartier

Richard Chartier (American, b.1971) is a Los Angeles based artist and is considered one of the key figures in the current of reductionist sound known as both “microsound” and Neo-Modernist. Chartier’s minimalist digital work explores the inter-relationships between the spatial nature of sound, silence, focus, perception and the act of listening itself. Chartier’s critically acclaimed sound works have been published since 1998 on a variety of labels internationally. He has collaborated with noted composer William…

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