Vital Weekly (NL)
Back in Vital Weekly 632 we reviewed Stunt, the first 12″ in a series of three by Giuseppe Ielasi. The next two 12″s we didn’t see, so I don’t know wether they were released. It might very well be the case that they weren’t released, and that Ielasi uses the material here, as Aix seems to be a continuation of the Stunt 12″. Again he uses small blocks of sound material, sampled from whatever source (acoustic objects, instruments, vinyl) and plays around with them. Nothing ever works out in a real groovy way, but that is exactly his point I think. But what he does works so wonderfully well. This sounds like the missing link between musique concrete and techno. Where the whole clicks ‘n cuts movement tried to make beat oriented music with the residual sound material, Aix is the true link. No residue material, but great warm sampled sounds, that make a groovy, even jazz like sound. Around that Ielasi waves warm small melodies. Nine pieces, all around three to four minutes (thusmaking the record the usual Ielasi length of around thirty minutes). A record that due time will be as important and ground breaking as the first SND releases, with whom Ielasi shares a similar interest: redefining dance music. Another highlight of the new year! (FdW)