Review of Perpetual [12k1082]

RockDelux (ES)

(Translated from Spanish)

This is, first of all, a work about listening. On four musicians who play together for the first time and follow closely the evolutions of each one of them. And, also, about the public that observes them in the most absolute and respectful silence. For that reason, “Perpetual”, record of an act in the Yamaguchi Center for Arts & Media, does not seem, at least initially, a live album: the applause and the feedback are missing. And you can feel the presence of the spectators, in the same way that John Cage continued to hear the pumping of his blood when entering an anechoic chamber. So, this encapsulated version of the concertain makes us listen to those who listen. Logically, a certain essence is lost along the way (perhaps it would be better to say “presence”), but paving for “Perpetual” continues to be pleasurable, and its three movements deepen in the most conspicuous and amniotic line of its authors; sometimes basque deep and other underwater rooms. Corey Fuller and Tomoyoshi Date (Illuha) contribute the guitar and the electronic noises, and Taylor Deupree modulates the synth flux. But it is Ryuichi Sakamoto who raises this set of improvisations, delighting in the pause, waiting for the time to respond with short interventions on the piano to the sounds generated by their peers.

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