Phosphor (DE)
Doron Sadja, a native of Los Angeles, is currently studying Technology In Music And Related Arts (TIMARA) at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Ohio. Frustrated with rock bands, he began experimenting with old synthesizers and 2-tracks made of dumpster pieces, creating pseudo noisepieces. Eventually moving towards computer based music, his projects still include homemade electronic instruments and cassette experiments. Doron Sadja’s debut album has been released by one of the most innovative and interesting labels worldwide called 12k. Doron Sadja’s debut release, <i>A piece of string, a sunset</i>, contains five tracks, of which three are quite long. The first track slowly fades from near the threshold of human audibility to a deep vibrating and fluctuating bass, which has been accentuated by Morse codes, metallic scraping and sporadic noise. The second track, also about twelve minutes long, fades from nothingness as well, till a low-key atomic void occurs, which develops in the excellent combination of a Pan Sonic-like deep beat, electric twitters and occasional buzzes. The third track is completely different from the rest, featuring a quite short metallic scraping outburst, which disappears just as mysterious as it came. This 2.46 minute long track is followed by a sad stuttering clicks and cuts piece, with moments of white gritty noise interwoven. The last track reminds of the first one, due to a sparse pulse low rumbling frequencies and the continuously present expressive meandering of a sol pont violin (played by Amie Weiss) and loops of manipulated guitar (played by John Anderson) forming a highly synthetic yet still organic body of music. Doron has collaborated with 12k’s Motion, during a recent extended stay in London (a portion of which will be released on the 12k/Line double CD compilation in autumn 2003). This masterpiece makes you look forward to his upcoming Shinkoyo release, the electronic music label he co-founded.