Nightstylez (DE)
Put on the circuit via 12k on February 2nd, 2k18 is the latest lomgplay effort by Dan Abrams a.k.a. Shuttle358 who’s been emitting acclaimed Ambient albums ever since the year 2000. With his newest longplay piece we see Abrams harking back to his early explorations and sound aesthetics, opening the album with the clicking sci-fi experimentalism of “Star” before digging deep into abstract IDM rhythms on “Caudex”, catering a 46 second spanning playful, yet melancholic Ambient soundscape skit with “Rossii” and reminiscing of hazy, Oval’esque Clicks’n’Cuts classics on “Edule”. Crossing the “Field” Shuttle358 finds more crackling Ambient classicisms, his sonic depiction of the “Sea” is as beautiful as the ocean in itself, “Dilate” is mostly comprised of mechanical and highly digital warps, shifts, shivers and clicks underneath a misty layer of warm pads whereas the “Waves” follow a similar, vibration-led path down unexplored shores, partly disrupted by unexpected, yet well-placed glitches. Examining the big “Divide” we find more highly defined crackles on a pad-ridden surface, “Blue” is a thundering storm, touching hostile DeathAmbient lands amidst alien swamps before taking the route towards glitchy Deep Listening Electronics and the final cut “Farming” goes into solemn glitch melancholia for a grand finale. Recommended!