Review of The Sleeping Morning [12k2007]

Musique Machine (.COM)

This EP is rather lovely, haunting and melodic collaboration between greek guitarist Savvas Ysatis and ambient/ electroinca artist Taylor Deupree. The four tracks on offer bring together organic guitar textures, electronics and forays into atmospheric electo pop.

As the cover and the EP title suggests this has a very hazy slow moving feel about it, which is licked by melodic warmth often giving one that cosy in front of the fire feeling. The tracks unfold at their own rate weaving out often intricate patterns of electronics and guitar textures, but it always feels so effortless and half-a- sleep manner. With only the last track slipping out of the sleepy vibe into more up-beat electro guitar pop vibe. Two tracks here have vocals by Ysatis on them, though his voice is rather unremarkable electronica spoken word mould it’s passable and fits nicely with the material, with the other two tracks are vocal-less. I was very much reminded of Boards of Canada, as the electronic elements have that sort of retro glow to them- with track two “listen to the Morning sleeping” synth unfold been particular BOC like. But as with anything with Deupree involved this has its own personality and high quality about it.

A highly enjoyable foray into electronica, meets guitar, meets atmospheric pop, With it’s just over twenty minute running time prime for been put on repeat again and again- let’s hope the pair do a full length soon.

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