Musique Machine (.COM)
This is the first new releasers of the year from the excellent 12k family of labels, finding once more a mix of finely honed mix of electronic and organic instrumentation the label is know for. But Drape adds charming pop like edges, heady with innocent wonder of Moskitoo oriental at times child-like vocals.
Most of the concentration is on making it all sound claming, sweet and almost weightless in its effortless melodic charm. Delicate Piano tunes sooth slowly past, vibe like tones weave like spring rain, toy keyboard tinkles, warming droning synth scapes warm in slow unfolding wonder and rich acoustic guitar pulse loops. Electronic rhythms and glighty elements are present but never become to over bearing or cold, so as never to take away from the gentle forming ambient pop songs. The tracks are both intricate in the level of sound layers, but still very approachable and child like melodic, the way the sound detail is built up quite brings to mind Múm’s early albums, but with more of an oriental and slight more cute pop edge.
A great collection of electronic/organic ambient chill out pop music, which will sooth and calm ones body and mind. Akin to the slow turning of an exquisite and intricate flower, as its rich perfume fills you and its beauty enchants.