Review of La Niña Junco [12k2036]

Chain DLK (.COM)

On La Niña Junco, Federico Durand deliberately limited himself to using one single synth- a vintage Crumar Performer- along with a couple of effects units, and that’s it. The result is an album with a staggeringly pure and simple tone- bell-like gentle melodies bubble softly over ebbing fragile tone loops throughout. This is forty minutes of consistently mellow and unchallenging prettiness.

As such, distinctions between tracks are subtle. “Melodia de felpa” has a slightly lullaby tone and “Rondel” has a bubbly closeness, while “Navidad en el bosque” feels more sparse and open, like standing in an empty cathedral with a synthetic organ. The strumming-like “Lluvia de estrellas” is a relaxed landscape, again underpinned by bubbles which fade supremely slowly as the album closes.

It’s simple, it’s spacious, and it’s elegant. With the softness playing against rapidly oscillating effects it has a slightly retrospective, faintly Radiophonic Workshop feel to it. It doesn’t command your attention, but if it gets your attention, you’ll appreciate it.

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